Gaya Hidup

10 Cities with the Cheapest Cost of Living in Indonesia, What are the Cities?

Admin BFI
19 July 2022
10 Cities with the Cheapest Cost of Living in Indonesia, What are the Cities?

The cost of living is one of the important considerations before we decide to stay or live in a city. This applies to anyone. Especially for students and workers who deliberately migrate to other cities for a better future.

Referring to the results of the 2018 Survei Biaya Hidup (SBH) conducted by Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), there are several cities that are included in the list of cities with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia.

Which city is it? Check out the full discussion through the following article.


10 Cities with the Cheapest Cost of Living in Indonesia

Biaya Hidup Termurah Di Indonesia

Image Source: Pemerintah Kota Surakarta/

1. Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi ranks first as the city/district with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia. This refers to the survey results from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Where the survey results found that the monthly cost of living required for a family of 4 members is IDR 3.03 million.

This amount will certainly be cheaper if it is calculated individually or individually. Although the cost of living in this city is relatively cheap, the economic growth is quite fast. As a reference, the UMK in Banyuwangi Regency in 2022 is IDR 2,328,899.

In addition, this district, which is located at the tip of East Java, offers a series of stunning natural beauty. Among them are Baluran National Park, Ijen Crater, Green Bay, Plengkung Beach which is famous among international surf lovers, and many more. For nature lovers, Banyuwangi can be a suitable city/district for a place to stay.

2. Kudus

Kudus ranks as the second city/district with the lowest cost of living in Indonesia. The city, which is famous for its religious leader, Sunan Kudus, only costs around Rp. 3.08 million per month for one family.

Similar to Banyuwangi, Kudus is also surrounded by natural beauty that can captivate the eye! The applicable minimum wage in Kudus Regency is IDR 2,293,058.

3. Yogyakarta

Besides being known as a student city and a favorite destination for local and foreign tourists, Yogyakarta is one of the cities with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia! This of course is no longer a secret.

At least the cost of living needed to live in this city ranges from IDR 1-1.5 million per month. This is quite relevant considering that the price of one portion of food in this area can still be reached with Rp5-10 thousand per portion. In line with that, the applicable UMK in Yogyakarta is IDR 2,153,970.

Not only known as a student city, but access to public facilities and entertainment destinations here is also very diverse. Yogyakarta people are also known as friendly and polite people.

4. Solo

Geographically, the city of Solo is located close to Yogyakarta. This close distance is also a fact that the cost of living in Solo is as cheap as in Yogyakarta. The cost of living per month is around IDR 1-1.5 million for one person and IDR 3-3.5 million for a family.

Apart from being pocket-friendly for living expenses, the city of Solo is also well known as a student-friendly city. There are several well-known campuses in this city, one of which is the State University of Sebelas Maret or better known by the acronym UNS.

Regarding the Solo City UMK 2022, this city has a nominal UMK of Rp 2,035,720.17 which is not much different from Yogyakarta.

5. Metro

Some of us may feel unfamiliar with Metro City. This city is one of the cities located in Lampung Province and is included in the list of the next cheapest cost of living in Indonesia.

The monthly cost of living in this city is around Rp. 3.12 million for one family. Although relatively cheap and located outside Java, this city is quite large and has access to adequate public facilities.

Destinations in this city are generally dominated by nature tourism. One of the interesting natural attractions is Goa Warak. Meanwhile, the applicable UMK is IDR 2,459,317.

6. Cirebon

Cirebon city is one of the cities located in West Java. This city is often dubbed the city of shrimp and is known as the city of the guardians through the teachings of Islam brought by one of the Wali Songo named Sunan Gunung Jati.

The cost of living in this city ranges from IDR 1.5 - 2 million for one person. From this average cost of living, we can conclude that the price of food, transportation, and other life support is still very affordable.

Not only known for its variety of seafood specialties such as shrimp, but Cirebon is also widely chosen as a city to continue education.

7. Purwokerto 

Located in Central Java Province, precisely in Banyumas Regency, Purwokerto is included in the city with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia. The cost of living in this city is around Rp. 2 million per month for one person. As for areas on the outskirts of the city, the cost of living is between Rp. 1-1.5 million.

Some of the destinations that are quite famous in this city are Baturaden, Mount Slamet, and many more. In this city, there is also one of the best public universities named Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsold). The UMK applicable in this city is Rp.1,983,261.84.

8. Sibolga

Sibolga is a city in North Sumatra Province. This city is located on the west coast which makes it famous for its beautiful mountains and stunning beaches.

The cost of living in this city ranges from IDR 1-1.5 million per month. These costs already cover daily needs such as food, shelter, and transportation.

As a tourist destination, Sibolga is famous for its natural beauty, especially the island! Some of the famous islands in this place are Putri Island and Poncan Gadang Island. Meanwhile, the applicable UMK is IDR 3,006,826.50.


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9. Probolinggo

In East Java, apart from Banyuwangi, there are also other regencies/cities that are included in the cities with the cheapest living costs in Indonesia. The regency/city is Probolinggo! This district is 100KM from Surabaya City and is famous for its tempting seafood specialties.

Based on the results of the existing survey, the cost of living in the city is IDR 3.29 million for one family. If it is calculated individually, the existing cost of living can be even cheaper! And the applicable UMK is IDR 2,553,265.95.

10. Singaraja

Who doesn't know Bali? Bali is a province in Indonesia that is famous for its natural beauty as well as its culture. This popularity has certainly spread to many places around the world. Not even a few people think Bali is the ideal place to settle down.

For those of you who are interested in living in Bali with a low cost of living, Singaraja which is the capital of Buleleng Regency can be the right choice! The cost of living in this city is IDR 3.11 million for one family.

Not only does it offer soothing views, but Singaraja is also the second-largest city in Bali. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the ease of access to public facilities.

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Sobat BFI, that's the list of cities with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia. The amount of costs incurred is relative, depending on the needs and lifestyle of each individual and family. Apart from that, which city do you want to live in?

Kategori : Gaya Hidup