
10 Manners of Receiving Guests in Islam that You Need to Know

Admin BFI
12 July 2023
10 Manners of Receiving Guests in Islam that You Need to Know

Manners of receiving guests in Islam are values in religion that need to be practiced as receiving guests is a form of hospitality recommended in Islam. Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him glorify his guests." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

However, not everyone knows how to receive guests properly and in accordance with Islamic etiquette. In fact, receiving guests properly is one way to show respect, compassion, and kindness to fellow Muslims.

Therefore, on this occasion, the BFI Finance Team will review the etiquette of receiving guests in Islam so that we can always be good hosts and able to maintain friendly relations. Come on, see more in this one article!


1. 10 Manners of Receiving Guests in Islam

Sobat BFI, here are 10 manners of receiving guests in Islam that you should know.

1.1. Saying Welcome or Greetings to Guests

The first etiquette of receiving guests is to welcome or greet guests who visit our place. This shows that you value the guest and welcome them warmly.

Rasulullah SAW said, "When someone comes to your house, then let him say hello. If he is given permission to enter, then let him enter. If he is not given permission, then let him return." (HR. Muslim).

By saying salam, you also ask Allah SWT for protection for your guests from all bad things. Rasulullah SAW said, "Salam is a prayer asking for salvation." (Narrated by Ahmad).

1.2. Greet Guests with a Smile

Second, be sure to greet guests with a smile. A smile is an easy and cheap charity, but it has a big impact.

Rasulullah SAW said, "Don't underestimate something good even if it's just to meet your brother with a cheerful face." (HR. Muslim).

By welcoming guests with a smile, you show that you are pleased to have them and always make them feel comfortable and valued. A smile can also break the ice and build a good relationship between the two parties.

1.3. Receive Guests When There is A Mahram

The etiquette of receiving a third guest, which you should not ignore, is a provision for receiving guests where you are advised to receive guests when there is a mahram. Mahrams are people who are forbidden to marry because of blood, breast, or marriage relations.

It is important to maintain honor and chastity between you and your guest, especially if your guest is of the opposite sex and is not their mahram. Rasulullah SAW said, "It is not permissible for a man to be alone with a woman unless there is a mahram." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

By receiving guests when there is a mahram, you also avoid slander and doubt that can damage your relationship with guests as the Prophet Muhammad said, "Be careful of doubt (something that is doubtful), because doubt is more dangerous than unlawful." (HR. Tirmidhi).

1.4. Dress Neatly and Politely

Next, try to receive guests in neat and polite clothes. This is done as a form of respect for guests who come. Rasulullah SAW said, "Indeed Allah is beautiful and loves beauty." (HR. Muslim).

By dressing neatly and politely, you also show that you take care of your private parts and don't cause slander for your guests.

"O son of Adam, wear your beautiful clothes in every mosque." (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

1.5. Invite Guests to Sit Comfortably

The fifth adab of receiving guests is inviting guests to sit comfortably. This shows that you care about your guest's well-being and want to make them feel comfortable.

Rasulullah SAW once said which means, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him give a good seat to his guest." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

By inviting guests to sit comfortably, you also show that you value the time and opportunity your guests are given to stay in touch with you.

1.6. Pay Attention to Cleanliness and Tidiness

The sixth thing you should pay attention to is paying attention to cleanliness and tidiness. This is so that guests who come do not feel disgusted or uncomfortable with the conditions in which you live.

By paying attention to cleanliness and tidiness, you also show that you follow the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW who always keeps himself and his house clean and tidy.

1.7. Be Friendly and Polite

Adab Menerima Tamu

Image Source: Pexels/PNW Production

For the seventh courtesy of receiving guests, BFI friends are encouraged to be friendly and polite to guests who come. This is a reflection of someone who has good character, not arrogant or rude to guests.

As the words conveyed by Rasulullah SAW, "Surely the best of you are those who have the best morals." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

1.8. Respect Guest Privacy

The next step is to ensure that you respect the privacy of guests. Never try to harass, disturb, or even trouble guests for things that are unnecessary or unimportant.

Rasulullah SAW once said, "Do not spy on each other, find fault with each other, hate each other, give up on each other, turn your back on each other, and be servants of Allah who are brothers." (HR. Muslim).

By respecting the privacy of your guests, you are also indicating that you do not want to infringe on your guests' rights or share their secrets without their permission. "Whoever keeps his brother's secret, Allah will keep his secret." (Narrated by Ahmad).

1.9. Entertaining Guests Well

The ninth adab of receiving guests in Islam is entertaining guests well. This shows that you are generous and want to bring out the best in your guests.

Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him give food to his guests." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

1.10. Taking Guests Home

The last is taking guests home as a form of respect for guests and you don't want to just leave them.

Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him accompany his guest." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

By walking guests home, you are also showing that you thank your guests for their visit and want to maintain a good relationship with them.

Friends of BFI, this is a review about the etiquette of receiving guests in Islam which we should practice in our daily life as adherents of Islam. Hopefully useful for all of us.

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Kategori : Syariah