Gaya Hidup

Homeschooling Is: Definition, Types, Methods, and Benefits

Admin BFI
4 July 2022
Homeschooling Is: Definition, Types, Methods, and Benefits

Homeschooling is a teaching and learning activity that is carried out at home or in other words family-based schools. Homeschooling itself was chosen because it has several advantages. Among them is a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of children and flexibility in learning.

In Indonesia, homeschooling is a legal education system. This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 129 of 2014.

The regulation states that homeschooling is a conscious and planned educational service process carried out by parents or families, either at home or in other places with a conducive atmosphere.

In this regulation, the government also emphasizes a policy for any parents who want to educate their children by homeschooling, they are required to report to the education office at the district or city level.


The Difference between Homeschooling and Formal School

After we know that homeschooling is a method of learning at home. Next, we need to understand what are the differences between homeschooling and formal schooling because both have quite significant differences. Among them are as follows. 

Formal School

  • The formal school curriculum has been determined, which follows the government curriculum

  • Existing learning tends to focus on textbooks

  • The environment is quite conducive

  • Children's social development is more formed from interactions with various people and different backgrounds

  • Follow applicable school rules

  • The focus of the teacher's attention on all students

  • Children's health and safety are not monitored, children mix with many students and the environment is not necessarily appropriate


  • The curriculum can be adjusted according to the wishes of the parents according to the child's needs

  • Parents can improve learning materials in areas that are mastered by children

  • Not focused on textbooks, more applying practice

  • Children's interactions tend to be limited because they are only in the same scope

  • More flexible rules and able to develop children's character

  • Minimize single interference from other students. For example, the atmosphere of a noisy study room

  • Children's health and safety are guaranteed because it is easier for parents or tutors to supervise

  • Limited interaction with many people makes social development tend to be limited

  • Those are some of the most striking differences between formal schools and homeschooling.

Types of Homeschooling

Homeschooling Adalah

Image Source: Pexels/August de Richelieu

Homeschooling is a learning activity at home, even so, homeschooling is also divided into three types. Such as the following.

1. Single Homeschool

Single homeschooling is homeschooling that only involves one family. This means that the existing learning model or school activities are carried out alone, not combined with other families.

The advantage of homeschooling is that the flexibility of learning can be adjusted to the needs of the child. In addition, parents can better supervise their children's learning process through online and offline learning activities.

2. Homeschooling Compound

Compound homeschooling is a type of homeschooling that involves two or more families. The families involved usually have children with similar interests. The main activities that exist can be adjusted by each parent.

The advantage of homeschooling on this one is that children can be more motivated to compete, which in turn will generate enthusiasm for achievement. Thanks to the communication between children or other students, children's social instincts become more stimulated.

3. Homeschooling Community

The homeschooling community is a type of homeschooling that combines several compound homeschools to further develop the syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, main activities, and others simultaneously or at the same.

Homeschooling Method

Like formal schools, homeschooling also has its own method or approach. Some of the existing methods are as below.

1. School at Home

It is a homeschooling method that is carried out at home with the exact same education system as formal school.

2. United Studies

It is a theme-based homeschooling method. This means that students do not study a subject or subject in its entirety, but from a particular theme in terms of the subject.

3. Charlotte Mason or the Living Book Approach

Is a homeschooling method through real experience. This means that children are invited to jump in and feel firsthand what they are learning. For example, learning mathematics through cooking activities.

4. Classical

It is a homeschooling method that uses three stages of child development.

5. Waldorf

Is a homeschooling method that makes the school atmosphere similar to the atmosphere at home.

6. Montessori

Is a homeschooling method based on the surrounding environment so that children can interact directly with their environment.

7. Eclectic

It is a homeschooling method that combines certain learning methods to suit existing needs. This means that parents are free to choose several methods to be further combined into one.

Anyone Who Needs Homeschooling

Anyone can get an education through homeschooling. Especially children who fall into the following categories.

1. Having Certain Diseases

There are various factors that make parents choose to send their children through homeschooling. One of them is children with certain disease conditions which if forced to receive education through formal schools will have quite fatal consequences.

2. Disability

Children with disabilities, especially physically, will find it very difficult to participate in the teaching and learning process in formal schools, especially when there is limited time and supervision. Homeschooling can be the right choice so that it is comfortable to continue to receive an education without any obstacles.

3. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Conditions in which children have difficulty concentrating, and behave hyperactively and impulsively.

4. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

A condition in which children have fears, anxieties, thoughts, and feelings that are difficult to control so that they can interfere with concentration and their learning environment.

5. Dyslexia

Disorders in children that cause children to have difficulty in writing, reading, and spelling.

6. Busy Kids Activities

Every child has their own strengths. Some children have seen their talents from an early age and made achievements. For example, talent in singing or playing music. In order for existing talents to continue without disturbing learning activities, it is better for parents to choose to homeschool. This is because the available study time tends to be flexible and can be adapted to the busyness of the child.

7. Parents' Jobs That Often Move Around

Having parents who often change places of work such as between cities and countries is certainly not an easy matter for children.

There will be a lot of paperwork to be done to transfer from one school to another. Not to mention that children have to adapt continuously in new schools.

In cases like this homeschooling can be the right solution. Children can study anywhere online and parents don't have to bother with various documents. Save time and effort.

Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages

Although homeschooling is a great method to apply, as parents of course we need to know what are the advantages and disadvantages for consideration. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling:


  • Flexible study time

  • Develop children's talents

  • Adequate rest time for children

  • Children's relationships are easy to monitor

  • Opportunity to study outside the home

  • Tuition fees can be adjusted

  • In homeschooling, the education costs needed can be adjusted according to the ability of the parents


  • The limited scope of children

  • Less complete learning facilities

  • It takes extra effort for parents to accompany their children during the learning process

Sobat BFI, that's a complete explanation of homeschooling, starting from the understanding of homeschooling, the types or kinds, methods, anyone who needs homeschooling, to a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages.

Make sure you as a parent do a consultation first before deciding to choose to homeschool. Hopefully, this article can help you in making a decision.


Kategori : Gaya Hidup