
BFI Finance was listed in 100 Most Valuable Brands 2019

2019-06-18 00:00:00 5339

Jakarta, June 12, 2019 - In the brand assessment event titled "Indonesia's 100 Most Valuable Brands 2019" from Brand Finance and SWA Media, BFI Finance once again was successfully listed as one of the companies with strong brand reputation. Even more importantly, BFI Finance won this award for the fourth time in a row since 2016. The event was held at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta (12/6) with Francisca Susilawati, Head of Corporate Communication & CSR of BFI Finance, attending it to receive the award.

This year, SWA Media and Brand Finance held this award celebration for the seventh time. The assessment was carried out by Brand Finance, a UK-based brand consultancy firm. In addition, "Indonesia's 100 Most Valuable Brands 2019" also analyzed brand strength index, brand royalty rate, brand revenues, and brand values. The assessment process was conducted using a comprehensive method to calculate brand strength.

This achievement clearly showed public trust in BFI Finance. The hard work of all BFI Finance employees in providing the best service supports business performance that continues to improve which further affects brand value of BFI Finance.

Kemal E. Gani, Chief Editor of SWA Group, delivered his speech

(left-right) Francisca Susilawati with Sutan Banuara, Director of Brand
Finance Indonesia and Kusnan M Djawahir, Deputy Editor-in-chief of SWA Magazine
